"I can do things you cannot, you can do things I cannot: Together... we can do great things" -Mother Teresa-
As a social impact company and an environmentally conscious community, we at Regenrus are inspired to grow a business where the common thread is driven by a sense of purpose and turns consumer spending into a powerful force while serving the individual’s highest good. Collaboration unlocks potential. A loving, collaborative community inspires the honesty and respect of all its members. It helps people work smarter, not harder and raises the bar for achievement and realized potential for the individual as well as the community at large. It is one of our core values, and we simply call it “WE are smarter than ME”. No one person can change the world, yet together we have the power to shape our collective future.

There’s a deep sense of power that comes with the knowledge that you aren’t doing this thing alone. There are others journeying with you every step of the way. Our community is a diverse group of people and together we aspire to support environmental causes and the pursuit of positive social impact. We recognize that our planet needs our help and that every one of our actions matters.
With the combined power & energy of a multitude of people all striving for similar outcomes, we can achieve wonders, create meaningful change, and through the power of our collective voice, shape the world that we want to live in. When our hearts come together with similar passions, we can create, envision, explore, and grow towards new discoveries... we can even just have some good old-fashioned fun – it can be magic! In fact, one of the most recognized leaders in social learning practice, Etienne Wenger, describes such communities like this, “Groups of people who share a concern or a passion for something, learn how to do it better as they interact regularly.”

Our global brain allows us to see and feel in ways never before possible. We are moving from passive consumers to creators, to highly enabled collaborators. It’s amazing to think that 300 hours of videos are uploaded to YouTube every single minute. We now live in a connected age of mobile collaboration where we can locate anyone, anytime, in real-time, from a small device in our hands.
Our Gen-Y’s are digital natives at an early age – they are pretty much connected at birth. They’re growing up sharing – pictures, videos, games, files, knowledge. It’s second nature to them. This experience of digital interconnectivity as a lifestyle has in some ways created a sense of separation, as at any given time we appear to be engaged with devices instead of with each other.
Conversely, it has perhaps awakened a renewed belief in the importance of community, & possibly a redefinition of what friend & neighbor really mean today. Our networks have moved beyond the notions of family, neighborhood, city, even nationality. All of those things are still valuable & important, but we now have the opportunity to connect and create with the entire world. Our family is now global. So, we the wise old Boomers (yes, I am a Boomer), in conjunction with the Millennials – are like foot soldiers moving us from a culture of “me” to “we”. It’s a beautiful thing.

We are inspired to be a part of a movement disrupting outdated modes of business, & now we are waking up & taking a leap together to create a more sustainable, regenerative system built to serve both our innate needs & a genuine rediscovery of the collective good. It is this relationship with the living world and with each other, that needs to be nurtured & woven back into our culture. In a real community, everything is possible because everybody matters. Together we support & encourage the finest and highest levels of human potential to flourish for the benefit of all.
Through living our business model with a conscious intention to demonstrate true care in action, we have the opportunity to bring about loving and sustainable answers to humanity’s challenges.
Shared Values + Shared Actions + Shared Revenue = Social Impact
As a social impact company and an environmentally conscious community, we strive to be a business that is awakened to our full potential, to possibility and actively making a meaningful difference. We are a “For Benefit” company with a goal of becoming a certified B-Corp, which means that everything we do is with the intention of making the world a better place: To be a “Force for Good™”.
We are one. We embody a deep sense of responsibility to collaborate and create a sustainable path to regeneration and abundance for all people, animals, and our planet.
WE are smarter than ME.
We invite you to JOIN our Regenrus global family, our Ohana Tribe – as we assume responsibility for our impact on our planet and each other – and do well by doing good.
With Love and Gratitude Always,

Empowering Heart Based Living - Donna Koontz is a powerful woman who fully leads with her heart. She has many roles to include social entrepreneur, leader, Hearth Math board member & coach, mother and grandmother. She embodies our Regenrus heart-centered value by expressing support & love through everyone she encounters. She has a true servant's heart & is fully committed to making a profound social impact. Donna shared with me her WHY she joined Regenrus as a Founding Leader "Collaboration is the new currency. Heart to heart, moment to moment, together we have the power to shape a sustainable future forever influencing the way we care for ourselves, each other and future generations." Donna is one of our guardian angels!